Healthy People, Healthy City
As it goes, a city can only be as healthy as its inhabitants. Right now, in Victoria, and other cities and towns, there are a fairly large number of ill and unhoused people. Many tend to place the blame for this on Victoria City council, or directly at the feet of the Victoria City Police. Well,, lets place the blame where it truly belongs, The Province of British Columbia.
The NDP first under John Horgan, and now David Eby, has had ample time to build facilities for the addicted, for the mentally ill, and yes, more jails for those that would prey on them. There are those that tell us harm reduction works, tell that to the tens of thousands who have died. There are those that will tell you it takes time, well, for those that will die, time is up. The Province will even go so far as to tell you that we don't have the money. Keep telling us that while you blew a five billion dollar surplus and gave yourselves raises.
It is time we as residents of our cities and province demand more from those we elect to lead.
We need a rushed program to get facilities built, and staffed. We need some of these facilities geared to a forced care environment, and yes it must also be compassionate care.
We can no longer play the "lets strike a committee" game. We can not throw more policy people at this issue. It is time the Province roll up its metaphorical sleeves and tackled this head on.
Yes, there will be court challenges by such organizations as Civil Liberties, and by street nurses, and no, my guess is Dr Henry would not approve. I am also guessing most of those who would oppose have not had a family member die in the streets.